Free Licenses for Developing Nations

Free Version 6 for old Windows devices

Get the free Typing Master 6 into your PC.
Designed for Windows XP/Vista/2000/98 etc.
TypingMaster 6 has 5 typing courses in English.
Version 6 License ID: Charity
Product Key: L42PD-3DVE-QX2-4TC2HM6

Latest Version 11 for newer devices

Get TypingMaster 11 with 9 advanced typing courses
+ Typing Meter analysis widget. Free 1-week course!
If you're unable to afford a license, we will provide you with a free time-limited license key!

Get The Crack Free TypingMaster For Your PC!
"Typing Master is the best typing tutor in the world. Great idea, great product.
I used it many years ago and still today
I can see how much it helped me."

Community for non-profit charity users
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1. Submit any bugs or new feature requests
2. Vote which features should be done next
3. Send comments to share your knowledge
User Forum User Forum Privacy Policy ( User forum posts are personal user opinions and do not represent the views of TypingMaster. TypingMaster is not responsible for the content of forum posts, and does not certify any information on the forums as correct, worthy or accurate. You should treat any advice received under these considerations. As the User, you accept sole liability for any content you post to the forums.

Editable Typing Course for Charity - TypingMaster 11
- Tailored Typing Lesson Material for Non-Profit Organizations Unlock the full potential of TypingMaster with the unique Course Editor feature, empowering teachers and parents to personalize lesson materials according to their specific requirements. The best part? It's 100% free! Utilize the TypingMaster Study Material Editor, a complimentary tool that seamlessly integrates with the software (refer to the Support pages for detailed installation instructions). With customized lesson plans, children can embark on a journey of enriched learning experiences.
- How to localize the TypingMaster software into a new language? Start by installing without Admin rights for easier file editing. Duplicate the LANGUAGE.ENG user-interface file and rename it, for instance, as LANGUAGE.DA. Next, add the new language entry into the TMLangs.Ini file. Now, you're ready to translate both the user-interface and alphabet set into your desired language. Once this is complete, launch the Lesson Material Editor to create a new course file, or you can opt to duplicate one of the existing English courses, such as UK7Numrow.cnt (located within the Lessons folder), and tweak it as needed using a simple text editor like Notepad. Ensure that you utilize the correct ANSI encoding and verify that the same encoding page is active for Windows Apps in Settings > Time & Language -> Language -> "Administrative Language Settings". TypingMaster does not support UniCode / UTF-8 so ANSI characters are needed in all files.
Why settle for generic typing exercises like "ASDF JKL" when you can infuse valuable lessons into every keystroke? With tailored content, students can learn essential values such as environmental consciousness, health awareness, and girls equality—all while honing their typing skills. Encourage students to craft narratives about their school experiences or explore local topics close to their hearts.
Take customization a step further by incorporating personalized typing tests and introducing new vocabulary into interactive games. TypingMaster's flexible interface also facilitates effortless translation and localization into diverse languages, ensuring accessibility for learners worldwide. Empower your students with the tools they need to thrive and make a meaningful impact through every keystroke.
Enjoy the process!
Once your translation work is finalized, you can contribute to the community by sharing a zip package through the user forum link provided above. Please include only the modified language., texts/., and lessons/* files in the zip package to ensure that the new language pack can be seamlessly installed over the latest version or fresh installation.