Get Your Free Registration Key

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Enter your key into Typing Master 11

Enter license id and product key

Instructions: Please enter the bot security code and click the GET REGISTRATION KEY button to generate your own license code for TypingMaster 11. After you receive your personal registration code on screen, please enter the key very carefully into product to activate the full versions of touch typing course and speed building course.
Are you looking for a license to activate TypingMaster Pro 7 or Typing Master 10? Get your free registration key here to activate a newest TypingMaster 11 today instead of searching a license id or product key for such an old discontinued software versions.
There are many versions TypingMaster 99, TypingMaster 2001, TypingMaster 2002, TypingMaster 6, TypingMaster pro 7.01 that have been discontinued over the last 25 years. It's best to always use the newest (safe and legal) software versions and avoid dangerous hack and crack download links hosted by 3rd party websites. Please get a license key for the product version 11 from above. You can click Download from the top if you need to securely install and activate the latest TypingMaster version 11.